Artwork created by local artists, offering visitors a glimpse into Cork’s thriving creative scene

The Quay Co-op in Cork is not only a hub for sustainable food and ethical living, but also a vibrant showcase for local artistic talent. Throughout the building, the walls feature artwork created by local artists, offering visitors a glimpse into Cork’s thriving creative scene. The Co-op provides a unique platform for emerging and established artists to display their work, fostering a close connection between the community and its artistic contributors.

The art on display is diverse, reflecting a wide range of styles and mediums, from paintings and photography to mixed media and sculpture. Many pieces are inspired by the natural beauty of the Irish landscape, local culture, and social issues, echoing the Co-op’s own commitment to sustainability and social justice. Our ever-changing exhibitions not only enhance the ambiance of the café and restaurant but also allows visitors to support local talent, as much of the artwork is available for purchase.

By integrating art into its spaces, The Quay Co-op continues to act as a cultural hub, where creativity, community, and sustainability intersect.